With only a few hours to spare on the way home, we made it a point to visit Mount Rainier, National Park. To our folly, we didn't check the endpoint when mapping our route in the GPS and ended up taking a detour to a remote entrance two hours out of the way. We made the most of our mistake exploring an area of the park we wouldn't have commonly seen and enjoyed the extra time of the great conversation. Once back into cell service we mapped our way around the north side of the park gaining a view of the mountain we would not have seen otherwise. We made a little bit of time to stretch out our legs and explored wash out before heading home.
Lummi Island
Lummi Island is in the San Juan islands up north off the coast of Washington state. It's a small island with little industry, the people who live there primarily work "in town" or anywhere off the island. It's a sleepy place where slow living is a virtue, a place where the intention is felt rather than thought. We spent a few days here just a 100 feet of the water in a little cottage.
One of the most memorable moments was the sunrise on the second morning. The water in the bay was calm and the taste of salt hung in the air. It felt like we were a million miles away from everything. The only thing you could do was be still and attempt to take it all in. I've never felt more on the razor's edge between complete calmness at the moment and frantically trying to capture what I was seeing.
Little Adventures: Hike in the Woods
We headed back out to one of our quick and easy trails for a little bit of adventure. With a break in the rain, getting outside to stretch our legs was much needed. Ridley made sure his boots were still waterproof by testing them in every puddle we came across. I enjoy giving him control of our hike through this small forest and love what it does for his confidence. He leads me around trees and takes me over long fallen logs while carefully selecting the direction we should take when the path splits. Afterward, we made sure to swing by the play structures to get a bit of play in before the rain started back up.
Little Adventures: Fall Color
With fall color in full swing, Ridley and I decided to make our way up into the woods to see what we could find. Unfortunatley, that also included some bad weather, but we didnt let that bring us down. I told Ridley that we were driving through the clouds and luckily that all we need to shift our aditudes back to fun. We didnt get out of the truck much because of the rain, but the color was quite lovley. The yellows popped of the deep evergreens with such vibrance. It was a really fun day!
Transition Time
I wanted to take a quick break after work and go for a hike. The intention was to transition away from work and into my personal time. Nothing particularly crazy had happened that day, but I was inspired by a series of conversations with a college. She was talking about the importance of transitioning your time from one thing to another and being intentional about not letting residual energy linger. I would like to do this more often, but you have to start somewhere. I decided to hit up the favorite local hike, but I was foolish and didn't check the weather report. Though I was dry hiking up, I didn't remain that way for long.